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Board of Electrical Appeals

The Board of Electrical Appeals provides technical code review and recommendations to the City Council and County Commission on matters involving the Electrical and Elevator Codes; electrical installations, construction & remodeling; and contractor licensing.

Primary focus/responsibilities of the Board of Electrical Appeals include:

  1. reviewing electrical and elevator codes and recommending to City Council and County Commission proposed code adoptions or code changes;
  2. hearing appeals to Metropolitan Area Building Construction Department interpretations of Electrical and Elevator Codes;
  3. reviewing and approving/denying alternate electrical materials and/or methods of installation; and
  4. reviewing and approving/denying applications for electrical contractor licenses, and conducting hearings to consider probation, suspension or revocation of such licenses.


The Board of Electrical Appeals currently meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 3:00 PM at 271 W 3rd, in room 318 (3rd floor training room).

The Board of Electrical Appeals (Optional Zoom Virtual Meeting if required). Meeting link and call-in phone number will be posted here:


The Board of Electrical Appeals is a City Council/County Commission - appointed seven-member board consisting of two master electricians, two journeyman electricians, one electrical engineer, one elevator mechanic, and one citizen at-large.

Staff Contact
Chris Nordick, Chief Electrical/Elevator Inspector.

2025-3-11 BEA Agenda.pdf2025-3-11 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2025-1-14 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2025-1-14 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2025-2-11 BEA Agenda.pdf2025-2-11 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-12-10 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-12-10 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2025-1-14 BEA Agenda.pdf2025-1-14 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-10-15 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-10-15 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-12-10 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-12-10 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-11-12 BEA Agenda - CANCELED.pdf2024-11-12 BEA Agenda - CANCELEDChris Nordick
2024-9-10 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-9-10 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-10-15 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-10-15 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-8-13 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-8-13 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-9-10 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-9-10 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-7-9 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-7-9 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-8-13 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-8-13 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-6-11 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-6-11 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-7-9 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-7-9 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-5-14 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-5-14 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-6-11 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-6-11 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-4-9 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-4-9 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-5-14 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-5-14 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-3-12 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-3-12 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-4-9 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-4-9 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-2-13 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2024-2-13 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-3-12 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-3-12 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2023-12-12 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2023-12-12 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2024-2-13 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-2-13 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2024-1-9 BEA Agenda - CANCELED.pdf2024-1-9 BEA Agenda - CANCELEDChris Nordick
2024-1-9 BEA Agenda.pdf2024-1-9 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
2023-11-14 BEA Minutes - Approved.pdf2023-11-14 BEA Minutes - ApprovedChris Nordick
2023-12-12 BEA Agenda.pdf2023-12-12 BEA AgendaChris Nordick
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